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Главная How does a teenager make money online? - 8 Февраля 2020
How does a teenager make money online?

Many modern teens want to earn pocket money. This is commendable, because parents are not always able to provide all the wishes of their children. There is nothing wrong with a teenager earning a desired thing on his own.

Fortunately, modern opportunities are so developed that you no longer have to go to the youth labor exchange to select a job or hand out flyers. Today, teens can surf the Internet and earn decent money.

What can they do?

Of course, the simplest is polling. However, simplicity does not symbolize speed. Often, adolescents do not correspond to the age category of questionnaires and out of 10 questionnaires they will get only one. And while the necessary amount is withdrawn for withdrawal, more than one month will pass.

There is still the possibility of simple earnings on viewing sites and videos, but they pay so little for it that you should not even consider this option as earnings.

The most realistic options are earning money by managing groups on social networks, writing articles and maintaining a channel on Youtube. Get youtube views

With YouTube, perhaps, we will begin. Only the lazy one does not know about this site. It has collected millions of videos and recorded tens of thousands of channels. In order to receive money on your channel, it should be untwisted. To do this, you need to shoot interesting videos and actively recruit subscribers. These two interdependent factors will ultimately lead to channel monetization. The way to make money is long, but very attractive, because you can talk about interesting topics and receive money from advertisers for the video broadcast on the channel.

You can also engage in maintaining and promoting thematic public pages on social networks. You can get money here by selling your own goods and services, which is very doubtful for a teenager, because what can he sell? It is more realistic to advertise products of various sellers who have applied for advertising in their groups. At the same time, you can write on your favorite topics and choose products whose advertising you plan to post. The more subscribers there are in the group, the more expensive advertising will become.

And another way is to make money on articles. It is unlikely that potential customers will want to work with teenagers, so they have direct access to copywriting exchanges, of which there are many: Advego, ETXT, Copilancer and many others. The main requirement is to be able to write well and follow the technical task of the customer

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